The Gentle Giant

By: Leyla Rashid Grade 6

Sport, that name brings back so many memories. He was one of my best friends. He played with me, protected me, and he cared about me. You would think such a big dog would be mean or something like that. But Sport was my gentle giant,
He liked other dogs, he never bit anyone, he loved to meet new people and he never barked. I know what you are thinking, what a great dog.

Imagine this and you’ll know what the general idea or what he looked liked: He’s tall, brown with white markings. He’s got big ears, a wet nose, and a strong, long tail. You probably don’t know what kind of dog he is so I will tell you, he is and Ibezan(sic) Hound.

Sport and I did everything together. We especially liked to go on long walks and play fetch. We thought the fun would last forever.

But then, in the summer of 2001, tragedy struck. Sport was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in his spine. His health was deteriorating right in front of my eyes. The veterinarians said there was no cure, but there was a treatment. We spent so much time and money on him. We wouldn’t let one of the best dogs in the world go without a fight.

He didn’t get better. The veterinarians suggested that we should take him to a special veterinary hospital in Purdue. On the way to the vet, I remembered all the good times we had together. I stroked his fur all the way there.
When we got to the hospital, they first checked him and ran some tests. But in the end, they said it would be best for Sport if they put him to sleep to end his pain. I stood in the room and held his paw while they put the needle in him until he stopped breathing.

But one thing I have learned from this experience, is that no matter what the dog’s condition is, you have to feed it, give it water, take it out on walks, play with it, and most importantly… LOVE IT! Yes, I still miss Sport, but I know he is in a better place now.

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