National Parks

by Logan Clark

State of Illinois

There are multiple ways to turn over a new leaf for our environment. National parks protect landmarks, preserve cultural & historical artifacts, provide homes for wildlife and provide a place of enjoyment for all. Some of the ways I thought of to turn over a new leaf for our environment and preserve our National Parks are with additional litter programs, increasing educations at our schools, and additional games to increase the desire to explore our national parks. It is important to keep our National Parks pristine, as they were before modern human influence. The Junior Ranger Program is influencing children and their families to pick up litter and some National Parks have recycling facilities. However, at one park I noticed they lacked enough trash cans and cigarette receptacles. This is important because I have seen cigarette butts and other trash scattered everywhere. My brother and I picked up the trash and we spoke to a ranger about having trash cans at each bus stop in the park. Also I think the NPS should increase fines for littering and have a litter report hotline, so if we see a person littering we can report it. We could celebrate National Parks Week, where rangers could come to schools across the country and inform students about National Parks and the environment. I, for instance, live in southern Illinois and have been to many National Parks and Monuments. Many of my classmates have not had the wonderful opportunities I have. I try to share my experiences with them but I feel they don t understand. This would help them to have knowledge of the parks and the environmental impact that we have on them. I think board games should be developed to educate people about our environment and National Parks. There is National Parks Monopoly, which has already been created. But there could be National Parks Chess with pictures of different parks on the tiles. There could be monuments like the Statue of Liberty as the queen, the Washington Monument as the king, Old Faithful as the bishop, Mesa Verde as the rook, and the Arch at Jefferson National Monument for the knight. In addition, I personally would like to see a NP Jeopardy and trivia game also created. They could also make new games for National Park and environmental awareness. This would educate and be fun. I have had a wonderful time going to numerous National Parks throughout the United States. I love the general feeling that I am at an area in the US that I have read about, seen on TV and learned about in school- and I am there! It is important to me to preserve these parks for my children to see. I want them to be able to experience them like I did- not just study them in books.

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