Lending a Helping Hand

Divya Saha , 7th Grade
San Jose CA
Joaquin Miller Middle School

On one fine Thursday in January, I made my way to my group of friends for lunch. Before I made my way to the tables, my vice principal stopped my path and asked, “Divya, there is a new kid in school. Could you sit with him at lunch and get to know him a little better?” I turned to where he was pointing and saw a small boy near the tables. His jet black hair shone in the sun as he looked around for company. I made my way over to the tables and saw other students back away from him, with looks of fear and awkwardness. I looked down to see, a walker besides the crippled legs of the new student. I sat down with him and as he introduced himself, a feeling of pain struck my heart. At school, many kids feel uncomfortable near the children with disabilities and tend to avoid them. It hurts me to see people being mistreated because they are not like everyone else. Even if the disabled students are different than others, they all want companions just like anyone does. Instead, they are mocked and neglected. If I could change one thing in the world to make it a better place, I would change the way others react to people with disabilities.

I am an Indian who has lived in the United States of America for almost 12 years. I have experienced a rainbow of races, beliefs, and religion here. One major maxim that my family has taught me is “Treat others the way you wanted to be treated,” With this in mind, I want people to accept other beings with disabilities by influencing friends and family. I can set a good example in school by being kind and helpful to special kids. I have a good family friend who is disabled. Though he cannot talk or walk or comprehend many things, he is one of the sweetest friends I have, because he listens to me. He is a genuine person who has taught me to smile at times when splitting into a grin is quite impossible. He has inspired me to help disabled children and adults. I would like to bring my community together to help out disabled people of the Bay Area. With many hands helping out, we can work wonders. Only by interacting with disabled people, people will realize how truly kind they are and make great friends.

All over the world, people are being rejected, ridiculed, and avoided because they are disabled. This type of discrimination can cause more damage to a disabled person, because it breaks their heart. Many countries around the world look down upon disabled children and adults. A way I can prevent the uncomfortable feeling of being around people with disabilities around the world is by starting a website that could help all kinds of people relate to the kinds of things disabled people go through. In this website, I would help people of different races connect and share their experiences and perspective of being disabled or knowing someone disabled. Only by reaching out can one get over the fear and awkwardness. This will allow the gap between people with needs and people without lessen.

Lastly, a way to help change the way people react to disabled ones is by starting an organization to gain money for them. In the United States of America and many other countries, there is an economic crisis. This affects people with disabilities because it cost more to treat them. I would start an organization to raise money for families with disabled family members because it cost quite a bit on money to take care of people who cannot perform tasks and functions that normal humans can do. While people help raise money for a benevolent cause like this, their way of classifying disabled people as “freaks” will slowly fade. Organizations to help people who are disabled will not only help them financially, but also help them morally.

“All men are created equal” is no doubt one of the most famous and well know quotes in the world. However, human beings do not always stick to these words of gold when it comes to people who are may be a tad bit different than others. Disabled people are considered by many as freaks because of their physical or mental needs. I believe that people with disabilities should not be treated like this because they are just as human and unique as every other individual. If I could change one thing in the world, I would definitely change the way people look at disabled people. By being kind and helpful to people with needs, we can bring the world together.

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